Technology Mission!

Hey y'all! I hope your week was pretty great! Some of you have seen me on Facebook, I'll try not to drive you crazy with posts, but I just wanted to tell you the rules! I can't like or reply to any comments or posts until p day, and I can't chat on messenger! So please email me!

We have a baptism scheduled on Feb. 24th and we are so grateful. I'm also so grateful for the people that got me on my mission so that I could meet learn from others! I'm so grateful for the cousins that have served before me, and with me! I'm so grateful for that aunts and uncles that showed me their awesome example by serving and especially for my parents! 

Technology in the mission is so cool! We were able to teach someone via Skype on Saturday night! So dang cool to teach someone four hours away from us and to still feel the spirit so strong! We taught her the plan of salvation, and told her about temples and how we can do our family history and she loved it! She's so excited to go to the Dallas temple after she's baptized!  We're hoping we can get permission to go with her, but the chances of that happening are super low. We're going to teach her again via Skype this week! We are so excited!

At church yesterday, one of the talks was on following the prophet and they talked a lot about how President Neilson was a heart doctor and a really great one at that. Then she brought up the scripture in Malachi 4 about turning the hearts of the children to their fathers and how perfectly this prophet was called. He is someone that works on hearts, and he will be spending his ministry turning our hearts to the father. It is truly marvelous how the Lord works. I am so excited and happy to be a missionary at this time and in this dispensation. I know that the work we are doing with technology will only help hasten the work if we use it to fulfill our purpose. I love that the prophet and the First presidency and the quorum of the 12 have so much faith and trust in us to use these tools for good. I am so excited to see how it will further the work in Natchitoches, and in the Louisiana Baton Rouge mission! I love this gospel, and I love the light and happiness it brings me. I know that I would not feel this happiness without my cousins and family pushing me to go out and serve! I love being a missionary! I can't wait to see what the next year and a little, will bring!
Right outside our apartment, it was probably four inches deep in some places. Thanks for the rain boots mom!

It rained for two and a half days straight, this is the result, LOVE the rain! don't love what the humidity does to my hair, lol

After the parade, feat. Sister Pfeifer

Selfie with sister bell! she took sister becks spot, and we LOVE her!

When it rains, it pours, and when it pours, you dance in it!

Spoils form the 20 minute Mardi Gras parade we went to down in Leesvile!


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